Packages, Gems, Modules, ...

Shipped! You can now install Python and Node.js packages.

The quality of standard libraries depends on the language. We know that pulling in third-party code is integral to solving real problems. We plan to ship new APIs for bundling interpreters with third-party packages of your choosing.

Filesystem Access

Shipped! You can now pass files to the API.

Give scripts read and/or write access to the filesystem. The first version will allow you to pass in files in the API request. We may add new APIs for creating filesystems ahead of time.

Additional JavaScript engines

Shipped! You can now use Node.js by creating a custom runtime.

Our current JavaScript support is powered by StarlingMonkey and Node.js.

Reach out if you’d like to use a different engine, such as Bun or Deno.

Expanded Language Support

Our next-generation execution engine can support any language. Contact us if you need C#, Go, or Java support.

Add support for compiled languages such as Go, Rust, and Java. Add additional scripting languages like Lua and Gleam. What language would you like to see?

Long-running Jobs

Today, code execution is limited to 30 seconds. While we could extend this by a few more seconds, we’d rather build out an API that supports running code for hours, not minutes.

Custom interfaces

Current code assumes a POSIX-like environment, with access to environment variables, command line arguments, and standard streams (STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR). We’d like to support typed interfaces via the component model.

Are we missing a feature that you’d like? Want something prioritized? Send us a message at If you’re interested in either of these, please send an email to