Your script can use third-party packages installed from PyPI or npm.

Customizing packages is currently only supported for Python and JavaScript/TypeScript.

Install packages

To use additional packages you’ll need to create a custom runtime on Riza and configure it with specific packages, such as pandas or prisma.

When you invoke the Execute Code API Endpoint, you can specify a custom runtime revision ID as a parameter to execute code in the context of that runtime.


To create a custom runtime for Python, you’ll need to supply the contents of a typical requirements.txt file with the packages you want installed.


See the Custom Runtimes guide for a complete Python example.


To create a custom runtime for JavaScript/TypeScript, you’ll need to supply the contents of a typical package.json file with the packages you want installed. You can send a full package.json and we’ll ignore all but the dependencies field.

  "dependencies": {
    "prisma": "^4.16.2",
    "marked": "^15.0.6"

See the Custom Runtimes guide for a complete JavaScript example.